True North Prayer & Restoration Rooms

Located at True North Community Church, 1101 Lakeland Ave, Bohemia
Available the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month, from 11AM – 1PM
Scripture tells us to bring our requests to God and to trust him for all our needs, whether physical, mental or spiritual. The Prayer & Restoration Rooms exist to create a safe place for prayer groups to address your needs, in-person. We invite anyone with a need to schedule an appointment.

Who should visit?

We welcome all who have need. Typically visitors come for physical healing, mental health issues, addictions, concerns of various types - or just a need for restoration and God’s touch in their life.

What’s the plan?

When you arrive, you will be greeted and given an opportunity to make your confidential prayer request known. A trained prayer team of two or three True Northers will get to know your issues and pray for you. The session typically lasts about 20-30 minutes.

Where is it?

We’re right at True North. You will check in at “The Dock” and then be brought to a private, welcoming and comfortable room.

When can I come?

The 1st & 3rd Saturdays each month, from 11am until 1pm. Appointments are strongly encouraged.

"The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective” - James 5:16